Exploring the Five Elements in Ayurveda: Understanding the Balance of Life
Ayurveda is one of the best natural sciences known to human mankind. The Ayurvedic treatment mainly helps in holistic healing for overall well-being. Did you know how? Well, there is science behind the concept of Ayurveda. Ayurveda helps in maintaining a healthy balance of life for better living.
We know that you might be curious to learn the science behind Ayurveda for a healthy life. You too can learn and practice Ayurveda for holistic healing by doing a BAMS (Bachelor in Ayurvedic Medicine & Surgery at the best Ayurvedic College in UP. Excited to know more! Before we kick start this blog, let’s explore further all you need to know about GS Ayurveda Medical College & Hospital, the top Ayurvedic College in UP.
Learning the Science behind Ayurveda
Yes, It is now possible not only to learn the science behind Ayurveda but master it. Let’s not forget that many BAMS colleges promote the course of Ayurveda to help you gain knowledge and degrees to practice Ayurvedic Medicine. There is great demand for Ayurvedic doctors in the field of natural healing and holistic wellness. As Ayurveda has evolved, over the years, there has been a significant rise in the number of doctors as well as patients opting for Ayurveda.
To meet up the needs of the rise in Ayurvedic medicines, GS Ayurveda Medical College & Hospital, one of the top BAMS Colleges in UP provides exceptional and professional expertise for future Ayurvedic doctors to evolve with the help of scientifically curated BAMS - graduate and post-graduate courses. Along with this, this college also takes the initiative to spread awareness about Ayurvedic science among millions globally. Today, with this blog, we shall explore the five elements of Ayurveda to understand the balance of life with holistic healing under professional learning and the viewpoints of GS Ayurveda Medical College & Hospital.
Now, without any further ado, let’s jump into topic one exploring the five elements of Ayurveda. Let's begin!
Five senses of the Human Body
Before we start with naming the five elements of Ayurveda, let us understand the basics of human systems. The majority of us are aware of the five senses of the body. The five senses of the human body are as follows:
- Sight - Eyes
- Sound - Ears
- Smell - Nose
- Taste - Tongue
- Touch - Skin
Thanks to these senses, we can go ahead and relate everything to nature. You may have one or more sharp senses which may be quite a unique feature for some of us. Apart from this, some may have a 6th sense which allows them to predict! These five senses help you connect with the outside world and are pretty powerful. Now, these senses are the functioning system of the particular organ which is ruled by energy.
The connection between the human body and Ayurveda
There is a deep-rooted connection between these 5 senses of the human body with the five elements of Ayurveda which helps us in understanding nature and promotes natural healing or recovery processes to keep us in the best of our health.
One of the ways through which we perceive the universe and nature is through these five elements of Ayurveda and the five senses of the human body. Our body is also made up of these five elements in nature. Our five senses - sight, sound, smell, taste, and touch are based on five elements of nature - space, earth, water, fire, and air which are governed by the respective functioning of organs - eyes, ears, smell, taste, and touch. Truly, there is some energy and force behind it! Let’s explore more about the five elements of Ayurveda in the next part of the article.
Five Elements of Ayurveda
The 5 elements of Ayurveda for natural healing are as follows:
1. Fire Element
- Fire element relation with the body - The fire element is related to the power and high energy levels. Yes, that's right! This fire element helps in the conversion of food to energy.
- Functioning of the fire elements - The fire element helps in boosting metabolism, digestion of food, and absorption with assimilation of the nutrients for healthy functioning of the body.
- Imbalance of fire elements - An imbalance of the fire element may result in metabolic disorders, skin problems, fever or viral disease, and mental ailments.
2. Air Element
- Air element relation with the body - The air element is related to oxygen which is very important for cellular activity and healthy functioning of all cells and tissues in the body.
- Functioning of the air elements - The air element helps in boosting the functioning of our respiratory system and nerve cells which are governed by the air elements. This in turn helps in boosting healthy functioning in a harmonious way of all the systems of the body.
- Imbalance of air elements - Any imbalance in the air elements will result in respiratory system disorders, nervous system problems, musculoskeletal problems, and many other systems because oxygen is needed for every cell or system of the body.
3. Space Element
- Space element relation with the body - The space element is related to the universe which works as a medium for sound, sight, and speech.
- Functioning of the space elements - The space element helps in boosting the functioning of our senses which includes the eyes, ears, and tongue which are responsible for intuition and wisdom to sight and hearing which allows us to react through speech.
- Imbalance of space elements - Any imbalance of space elements may cause problems with senses causing ears, eyes, skin, and tongue issues.
4. Earth Element
- Earth element relation with the body - The earth element is related to the solid mass or substance which forms our body which includes bones, teeth, tissues, muscles ligaments, tendons, nails, skin, and hair.
- Functioning of the earth elements - The earth element helps in boosting the function of bones, muscles, teeth, skin, and hair. This is responsible for musculoskeletal movements and bone density changes.
- Imbalance of earth elements - Any imbalance of earth elements may cause general weakness, fatigue, movement disorders, or other bone, skin, and hair problems.
5. Water Element
- Water element relation with the body - The water element is related to liquid fluids which form our body which include blood, and bodily fluids, such as saliva, sweat, and other fluids. About 70% of the body is made up of water.
- Functioning of the water elements - The earth element helps in boosting the functioning of blood flow to carry nutrients and oxygen to other parts of the body. This helps in maintaining oxygen supply to all systems for healthy functioning.
- Imbalance of water elements - Any imbalance in water elements may cause dehydration, lack of oxygen, anemia, or a hypoxic state resulting in multiple issues of various systems such as heart problems, respiratory problems, and blood disorders.
The balance of life through Ayurveda- Understanding the Tridoshas
The five elements of Ayurveda are combined holistically through physical and behavioral traits which helps in the overall functioning of the body. These Ayurvedic principles are called doshas. As per the law of nature, there are 3 doshas which are also called Tridoshas which help in maintaining a balanced life. It is important to all the tridoshas to stay in a balanced condition for a healthy lifestyle and keep diseases at bay. This is achievable with scientific holistic Ayurvedic treatments which can be achieved with de-stress and detox methods allowing you to make lifestyle modifications for better healthy living.
The tridoshas are as follows:
1. Vata
Earth and air elements combine to form the Vata dosha. This helps in the functioning of the nervous system and respiratory system to eliminate the Co2 and take in fresh O2 for overall healthy functioning and blood circulation which allows oxygen, and nutrients to reach through every system of the body through blood supply.
2. Pitta
Fire and water elements combine to form the pitta dosha. This helps in the functioning of healthy metabolism which impacts the liver, spleen, stomach, intestines, and gallbladder covering the entire gastrointestinal system.
3. Kapha
Water and earth elements combine to form the Kapha dosha. This helps in protecting the lubrication of the mucous lining of respiratory tracts, musculoskeletal system, brain and nervous system, stomach, and intestine.
Understanding Ayurveda and Body Constitution
Let us not forget that each person is unique with a different mind and bodily system. Yes, that’s true! All of us would react differently to each situation of life, each disease, or even stress. The five elements can combine with many different proportions to form different body types, constitutions, and personalities. This bodily constitution helps to determine your predominant doshas.
Moreover, it is important to remember that each constitution may change or react differently based on many factors such as age, gender, physical appearance, emotional make-up, nature, and behavior patterns! Yup, this calls for expert analysis, if you want to get started with Ayurvedic treatment for yourself. That’s where a need for a professionally qualified Ayurvedic doctor comes into play! We are sure you would like to know and learn more about Ayurveda or maybe just get started with Ayurvedic treatment for yourself.
Get connected with GS Ayurveda Medical College & Hospital which is an accredited university for Ayurveda making it one of the top BAMS Colleges in UP which offers professional Ayurvedic courses to become a professionally qualified Ayurvedic practitioner. For more details - Contact us here- Click